University of Ilorin, UNILORIN has appointed Professor Sulyman Age Abdulkareem as the 10th Vice Chancellor of the University.
Noting that the tenure of the Vice Chancellor, Professor A.G. Ambali, OON, will come to an end on 15th October, 2017, Council commenced the process for the appointment of a new Vice Chancellor by announcing the vacancy in two National Newspapers, This Day and the Herald on Friday, 14th April, 2017. The advertisement was also placed on the University website and the University’s Weekly Bulletin.
Interested applicants were given six (6) weeks to submit their applications with a closing date of 26th May, 2017. Immediately thereafter, Council met and constituted the Joint Council/Senate Selection Board as well as the Search Team for the appointment of Vice Chancellor.
The Search Team visited Universities in various geographical zones of the country and contacted senior academic staff in these institutions who might not have applied for the position. Subsequently, the Selection Board considered all the applications received and shortlisted candidates based on the various parameters indicated in the advertisement.
The Selection Board later interacted with the shortlisted candidates over a period of three (3) days from Wednesday, 23rd to Friday, 25th August, 2017. At the end of the exercise, the Selection Board forwarded its recommendation to Council for further consideration.
At its meeting on Monday, 28th August, 2017, Council, in accordance with the University Act and the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act 2003, considered the recommendation of the Selection Board and I am happy to announce that Council approved the appointment of Professor Sulyman Age Abdulkareem as the 10th Vice Chancellor of the University of Ilorin. The appointment is to take effect from 16th October, 2017.
Professor Abdulkareem
Professor Abdulkareem was born on 21st January, 1954 at Oro in Kwara State. He attended the Government Secondary School, Ilorin for both his secondary school education and the Higher School Certificate from 1968 to 1974 which he undertook with a Kwara State Government Scholarship. He later got the Federal Government Scholarship for his university education at the University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. between 1975 and 1980. At the end of the course, he came out in flying colours and was awarded the MChE, BChE (Chemical Engineering) specializing in Heterogeneous Catalysis/Reaction Engineering.
From 1985 to 1988, he was awarded the United States of America National Science Foundation Fellowship for his Ph.D programme in Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, USA. He also completed his Ph.D in flying colours and obtained the Engineer-In-Training Certificate of the State of Minnesota, USA in 1991. He became a registered Engineer of the Nigerian Society of Engineers in 2002 and a COREN Registered Engineer in 2004.
Professor Abdulkareem was a Lecturer, engaged by the Detroit Board of Education Detroit, Michigan, USA from August 1984 to August 1985; and a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, from September 1985 to August 1988. He joined the services of the University of Ilorin as a Senior Lecturer in 1996 and rose to become a Professor in September 2005.
A consummate researcher and thorough-bred academic, he has a lot of inventions and has many Patents to his credit including the following:
i) Kareem, S.A., Unilorin Oil Sorbing Wafers, Federal Republic of Nigeria, RP 16005 (2005);
ii) Kareem, S.A. Unilorin Lubricating Grease, Federal Republic of Nigeria, RP16006 (2005)
iii) Kareem, S.A., Unilorin Candle, Federal Republic of Nigeria RP16007 (2005)
iv) Abdulkareem, S.A. and Amoloye, T.O. (2013). Catalytic Conversion of Low Density Polyethylene (Discarded Pure Water Sachet) to Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Hydrocarbon Fuels, NG/P/2010/332
Professor Abdulkareem has held many important positions in the University – Director, SIWES from 2000 – 2008; Head, University Admissions Unit 2006 – 2009; Dean, Student Affairs 2008 – 2010 and Director, Laboratory-To-Product Centre from September 2015 to date.
From June 2010 to June 2015, he was Vice Chancellor, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin.
Professor Abdulkareem is happily married with children.
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