The official JAMB brochure for the Faculty of Administration in Nigerian College of Educations, shows the list of available courses, the subject combination and admission requirement for courses in the Faculty of Administration.
At the completion of any course from the Faculty of Administration, successful graduates will be presented with certificates of varing titles, depending on the institution either college of education or technology.
Click on your respective course below to start;
- Adult and Non-Formal Education
- Adult Education
- Agricultural Science
- Agricultural Science and Education
- Arabic / Christian Regional Studies
- Arabic / Creative And Cultural Arts
- Arabic / Economics
- Arabic / English
- Arabic / French
- Arabic / Geography
- Arabic / Hausa
- Arabic / History
- Arabic / Igbo
- Arabic / Islamic Studies
- Arabic / Kanuri
- Arabic / Political Science
- Arabic / Social Studies
- Arabic / Theatre Arts
- Arabic / Yoruba
- Arabic Medium
- Automobile Technology Education
- Biology / Chemistry
- Biology / Geography
- Biology / Integrated Science
- Biology / Mathematics
- Biology / Physics
- Building and Woodwork Technology Education
- Building Education
- Building Technology Education
- Business Education
- Chemistry / Integrated Science
- Chemistry / Mathematics
- Chemistry / Physics
- Christian Religious Studies / Computer Education
- Christian Religious Studies / Economics
- Christian Religious Studies / Efik
- Christian Religious Studies / English
- Christian Religious Studies / French
- Christian Religious Studies / Geography
- Christian Religious Studies / Hausa L2
- Christian Religious Studies / History
- Christian Religious Studies / Ibibio
- Christian Religious Studies / Idoma
- Christian Religious Studies / Igala
- Christian Religious Studies / Maths
- Christian Religious Studies / Theatre Arts
- Christian Religious Studies / Tiv
- Christian Religious Stusies / Fine Arts
- Christian Religiuos Studies / Hausa
- Christian Religiuos Studies / Political Science
- Christians Religion Studies / Igbo
- Christians Religion Studies / Igbo L2
- Christians Religion Studies / Social Studies
- Christians Religion Studies / Yoruba
- Computer Education
- Computer Education / English
- Computer Education / Geography
- Computer Education / Physics
- Computer Education / Accounting
- Computer Education / Biology
- Computer Education / Chemistry
- Computer Education / Economics
- Computer Education / Music
- Computer Science / Business Studies
- Computer Science / Political Science
- Computer Science / Secretarial Studies
- Computer Science / Social Studies
- Computer Science / Fine And Applied Arts
- Computer Science Education / Integrated Science
- Computer Science Education / Mathematics
- Cultural and Creative Art / Political Science
- Cultural and Creative Art / C.R.S
- Cultural and Creative Art / English
- Cultural and Creative Art / French
- Cultural and Creative Art / Hausa
- Cultural and Creative Art / Igbo
- Cultural and Creative Art / Islamic Studies
- Cultural and Creative Art / Social Studies
- Cultural and Creative Art / Yoruba
- Early Childhood and Primary Education
- Early Childhood Care Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Economics / English
- Economics / French
- Economics / Geography
- Economics / History
- Economics / Igbo
- Economics / Mathematics
- Economics / Physics
- Economics / Political Science
- Economics / Yoruba
- Economics / Social Studies
- Edo / Computer Science
- Edo / English
- Edo / Social Studies
- Education / Construction Technology
- Education / Igbo / Linguistics
- Education / Language / English
- Education / Mechanical Technology
- Education Accounting
- Education and Accountancy
- Education and Arabic
- Education and Biology
- Education and Chemistry
- Education and Christian Religious Studies
- Education and Computer Science
- Education and Economics
- Education and English Language
- Education and Fine and Applied Arts
- Education and French
- Education and Geography
- Education and Hausa
- Education and History
- Education and Igbo
- Education and Integrated Science
- Education and Islamic Studies
- Education and Language Arts
- Education and Mathematics
- Education and Music
- Education and Physics
- Education and Political Science
- Education and Religious Studies
- Education and Social Studies
- Education and Yoruba
- Education Foundation and Management
- Education, Language and French
- Education/History And International Studies
- Educational Administration and Planning
- Educational Foundation
- Educational Management
- Educational Management and Planning
- Educational Management and Policy
- Electrical / Electronics Education
- Electrical / Electronics Technology Education
- Elementary Education
- English / Ecunemics
- English / Efik
- English / French
- English / Geography
- English / Hausa
- English / Hausa L2
- English / History
- English / Ibibio
- English / Idoma
- English / Igala
- English / Igbo
- English / Igbo L2
- English / Ika
- English / Integrated Science
- English / Islamic Studies
- English / Kanuri
- English / Mathematics
- English / Music
- English / Okpameri
- English / Political Science
- English / Social Studies
- English / Theatre Arts
- English / Tiv
- English / Ukwani
- English / Yoruba
- English / Yoruba L2
- English And Fine And Applied Arts
- Fine And Applied Art
- Fine And Applied Art / Hausa L2
- Fine And Applied Art / Yoruba
- French / Social Studies
- French / Ukwani
- French / Computer Science
- French / Hausa
- French / Hausa L2
- French / History
- French / Ibibio
- French / Igala
- French / Igbo
- French / Igbo L2
- French / IKA
- French / Islamic Studies
- French / Kanuri
- French / Mathematics
- French / Music
- French / Political Science
- French / Theatre Arts
- French / Tiv
- French / Yoruba
- French / Yoruba L2
- Fulfulde / Arabic
- Fulfulde / English
- Fulfulde / Hausa
- Fulfulde / Islamic Studies
- Fulfulde / Social Studies
- Geography / Political Science
- Geography / Chemistry
- Geography / Fine Art
- Geography / French
- Geography / History
- Geography / Integrated Science
- Geography / Mathematics
- Geography / Physics
- Geography / Social Studies
- Geography / Yoruba
- Goegraphy And Fine And Applied Arts
- Guidance and Counseling
- Hausa / Kanuri
- Hausa / Music
- Hausa / Economics
- Hausa / Geography
- Hausa / History
- Hausa / Igbo
- Hausa / Igbo L2
- Hausa / Islamic Studies
- Hausa / Political Science
- Hausa / Social Studies
- Hausa / Theater Arts
- Hausa / Yoruba
- Hausa / Yoruba L2
- Hausa L 2 / Islamic Studies
- Hausa L2 / Music
- Hausa L2 / Social Studies
- Hausa L2 / Yoruba
- Health Education
- History / Political Science
- History / Social Studies
- History / Yoruba
- History And Fine And Applied Arts
- History / Idoma
- History / Igbo
- History / Igbo L2
- History / Ika
- History / Islamic Studies
- History / Nigerian Laguages
- History / Tiv
- History / Ukwani
- Home Economics and Education
- Human / Theatre Arts
- Human Kinetics
- Human Kinetics and Health Education
- Human Physical and Health Education
- Ibibio / English
- Igbo / Computer Science
- Igbo / Integarted Science
- Igbo / Mathematics
- Igbo / Hausa L2
- Igbo / Islamic Studies
- Igbo / Music
- Igbo / Political Science
- Igbo / Social Studies
- Igbo / Yoruba
- Igbo / Yoruba L2
- Igbo / Theatre Arts
- Igbo And Fine And Applied Arts
- Igbo L2 / Mathematics
- Igbo L2 / Social Studies
- Ikar / Social Studies
- Industrial Education Technology
- Industrial Technical Education
- Integrated Science
- Integrated Science / Economics
- Integrated Science / Mathematics Education
- Integrated Science / Physics
- Integrated Science / Social Studies
- Integrated Science / Yoruba
- Islamic Studies / Christain Religious Studies
- Islamic Studies / Computer Education
- Islamic Studies / Economics
- Islamic Studies / Geography
- Islamic Studies / Kanuri
- Islamic Studies / Political Science
- Islamic Studies / Social Studies
- Islamic Studies / Yoruba
- Isoko / Christain Religious Studies
- Isoko / English
- Isoko / Social Studies
- Itsekiri / English
- Izon / Christain Religious Studies
- Izon / English
- Izon / Social Studies
- Kanuri / History
- Kanuri / Social Studies
- Library and Information Science
- Library Science
- Mathematics / Hausa
- Mathematics / Hausa L2
- Mathematics / Physics
- Mathematics / Social Studies
- Mathematics / Yoruba
- Mathematics / Yoruba L2
- Mechanical / Automobile Technology Education
- Metalwork / Woodwork Technology Education
- Metalwork Technology Education
- Music / Igbo L2
- Music / Arabic
- Music / Christian Religious Studies
- Music / Economics
- Music / History
- Music / Islamic Studies
- Music / Mathematics
- Music / Physics
- Music / Political Science
- Music / Social Studies
- Music / Theatre Arts
- Music / Yoruba
- Nursery and Primary Education
- Physical Education
- Physical and Health Education
- Physical Education and Recreation
- Physics / Music
- Political Science / Fine And Applied Arts
- Political Science / Islamic Studies
- Political Science / Tiv
- Political Science / Yoruba
- Political Science / Ibibio
- Political Science / Igala
- Political Science / Mathematics
- Political Science / Social Studies
- Pre-Primary and Primary Education
- Primary Education Studies
- Science Education
- Social Studies
- Social Studies / Creative Arts
- Social Studies / Efik
- Social Studies / Fine And Applied Arts
- Social Studies / Fine Art
- Social Studies / Ibibio
- Social Studies / Idoma
- Social Studies / Igala
- Social Studies / Tiv
- Social Studies / Yoruba
- Special Education
- Special Education / Agricultural Science
- Special Education / Arabic
- Special Education / Biology
- Special Education / Business Education
- Special Education / Chemistry
- Special Education / Christian Studies
- Special Education / Computer Science
- Special Education / Economics
- Special Education / English
- Special Education / Fine Art (D / M)
- Special Education / French
- Special Education / Geography
- Special Education / Hausa
- Special Education / Home Economics (Double Major)
- Special Education / Igbo
- Special Education / Integrated Science
- Special Education / Islamic Studies
- Special Education / Mathematics
- Special Education / Music
- Special Education / Physical And Health Education
- Special Education / Social Studies
- Special Education / Theatre Arts
- Special Education / Yoruba
- Special Needs Education
- Teacher Education
- Technical Education
- Theatre Art / Fine And Applied Art
- Theatre Art / Ika
- Theatre Arts / Edo
- Theatre Arts / Irs
- Theatre Arts / Isoko
- Theatre Arts / Itsekiri
- Theatre Arts / Izon
- Theatre Arts / Social Studies
- Theatre Arts / Urhobo
- Theatre Arts / Yoruba
- Tiv / Theatre Arts
- Ukwani / Social Studies
- Urhobo / English
- Urhobo / Social Studies
- Vocational and Technical Education
- Woodwork / Education
- Yoruba / Social Studies
- Yoruba / Computer Science
- Yoruba / Mathematics
- Yoruba L1 / Hausa L2
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